Thursday, January 22, 2015

On-Call Parents

Last Saturday my parents went off to their annual trip getaway. They are still in Kuala Lumpur now, they will be back in a few hours and my parenting job will be done! Phew! Didn’t expect it to be soooo fun.

Let me tell you about my weekdays as a parent. Since I am the eldest, I have the responsibility to act as a parent when both Babu and Babah are not at home.

I woke up at 5:30am, did my Subuh prayer, prepared breakfast (not really, because woohhooo Alhamdulillah! my brother, H Jr. just drank water and probably ate little snacks before school) and at 6:30am off we go to school.

Got home at 7:00am, cleaned up the house, washed piling dishes from last night, did laundry that took at least 2 hours and all done around 10am. Switched on my laptop to check my emails and twitter. I don’t really go on Facebook anymore but if you want to be my friend just add me up haha.

When the clock strikes at 11am, I have another half-an-hour (less than that actually) to be on the Internet, before preparing lunch. At 12pm, off I go to pick up H Jr. from school.

Arrived home at 1pm, we ate lunch and H Jr. has to prep up for Agama School (Agama School: the afternoon class that children has to attend till they’re 14 to learn about our religion, Islam). Arrived school at about 2pm, drove home, cleaned up lunch that we had, performed my prayers – Zuhur and Asr, read books, blogs and whatnot. At 5pm, I have to pick up H Jr. from Agama School.

You might think I am done. BUT NOT! It took me about an hour to argue with H Jr. just to get him to shower! Did my Maghrib prayer and prepare dinner. Dinner is not so hard though because H Jr. eats a lot. He is 10 years old and he weighs more than 50kg. But after that, another debating session – sleep time.

After he sleeps then, just then, I can have my rest.

Wait. No. I need to iron his school uniform for the next day. Aaaaannddd finally, FINALLY, I can get my beautiful sleep. Repeat this for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Eh wait and then I realize I have not done my Isya’ prayer yet. But Alhamdulillah, my days were filled and I don’t feel so jobless anymore. I rather be busy (sometimes) than be bored.

Now I realize why Allah has not given me jodoh to marry yet. I am not ready. It’s just for a week and I’m exhausted. I had fun… really but I don’t think I’m ready. So rather than longing for the perfect husband to come, I better prepare myself to be the perfect wife for him. InsyaAllah.

On a side note, I can’t wait to see what Babu and Babah bought from their trip! (They insisted on saying it’s a honeymoon. But I refuse to say so. #thatclingychild).

- Miss P -

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